The Programme has evolved mountain specific guidelines. In the government programmes community mobilization and capacity building are limited to the first year in a four year programme. Experience has shown CPWD that community mobilization and capacity building are continuing processes. Hence greater budgetary allocation for community mobilization and training, spread over the entire programme period, has been made in the RTHD Programme. The smallest unit of development in this programme is a village and village development committees (VDCs) manage all the planning and project implementation at that level. The Programme lays strong emphasis on women's involvement in decision- making. Almost half the VDC members are women. It emphasizes community works, traditions of water conservation, vegetative conservation measures, linkages with PRIs and government schemes and the development of mountain specific appropriate technologies, e.g., spring sanctuaries, hydrams and greenhouses for off-season vegetable cultivation. CPWD has signed an MoU with the Watershed Management Directorate of the Government of Uttaranchal for mutual support and cooperation. |